D2C Channel scale-up is of paramount importance for brands in today's world from point of view of economics & continuity risk at marketplaces

Carrot is a focused partner for brands growth that uses web 2 & 3 capabilities to create tools required by brands to grow their D2C channel

Current Challenges for Brands

Full-stack D2C Channel Growth Product Suite

Enable customer acquisition & increase customer life cycle at a sustainable cost

Brand Cash

Brands Cash for Customer’s Attention and Consumption

Brand Content

Brand Content for Customers’ exploration

Brand Token

Brand Token for Customers & Influencer engagement & participation

Smart NFTs

Exclusive Brands’ Access & Opportunities via smart NFTs

Brand Community

Advanced Brand community web3 based tools

Brand Token

Live and influencer-driven smooth sales


Brand Cash

Brands Cash for Customer’s Attention and Consumption


Brand Content

Brand Content for Customers’ exploration


Brand Token

Brand Token for Customers & Influencer engagement & participation


Smart NFTs

Exclusive Brands’ Access & Opportunities via smart NFTs


Brand Community

Advanced Brand community web3 based tools


Brand Safes

Live and influencer-driven smooth sales

Brand Loop at Carrot

Carrot evolves your customers into community members by life cycle management driven by Carrot product suites

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Brand Loop at Carrot

Carrot evolves your customers into community members by life cycle management driven by Carrot product suites

Brand rewards - Brand Cash

Web3 Gateway for Brands

Brand rewards - Brand Token (Coming Soon)

Brand rewards - Brand Token

Brand Token Marketing and Loyalty program reimagined

Brand rewards - Brand Token

Brand Token Marketing and Loyalty program reimagined

Kickoff your D2C Growth engine with Carrot

Reach out to us

Brand’s D2C
Growth Partner

Create Web3 Journey of
Customers to Fans to Owners

Ready flywheel of Content, Community &

Brands Aspirations / Need

Direct to Consumer – Not dependent on Marketplace

Aims to create a Flywheel of Content, Community, and Commerce

Aspires to Transform Customers
into Fans

Strives for sustainable Customer Acquisition & Retention

From Celebrity Endorsements to Now Focusing on Creating Customer-Influencers

Web3 Philosophy
based Product Lines





  • Brands Cash for Customer’s Attention and Consumption

  • Brand & Influencer Content for Customers’ exploration
  • Brand Token for engagement and participation
  • Exclusive Brands’ Access & Opportunities via smart NFTs
  • Brand community web3 based
  • Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Real world web3 tokens ecosystem

Carrot token Backed by an asset
Brand Token backed by Carrot token

Base level liquidity vehicle creation
Unlocks unique access and opportunities

Brand Token

Brand Cash

Brand Smart NFTs