Coming Together

“An evolved consumer’s consumption needs and Brands D2C ecosystem has evolved a lot in the past 5 years. However, the world of brand consumption is still revolving around ads, marketplaces and discounts. We all united to work on Carrot with a simple thought. There has to be a better way… where brands, influencers and consumers connect directly and have a win–win proposition.”

vivek new
Vivek Biyani
sid new
Siddhartha Jain
Rohit Bhotica

If you’re an explorer at heart and innovator at the core, we
might be able to explore opportunities together

Stalwarts Working With Us


Kishore Biyani, India’s well-known industrial tycoon, is CEO of Future group. His invaluable guidance and strategic approach has significantly contributed to the establishment of Carrot.


Swapnil has 17 years of work experience with stellar experience as CEO of Karvy Capital. He is currently the founder of Newrl Blockchain which is building Defi applications for real-world assets..

Who We Are

Asset 12@4x

First principle innovators

To build category first products from vision to

Asset 10@4x

Growth Mindset

To evolve 10x not just the business but also

Asset 11@4x

Founders mindset

To thrive in autonomous culture with ownership & accountability.

Asset 9@4x

Consumer First Thinkers

To be paranoid about the challenges of the

Asset 7@4x

Designers of Inclusive Shopping

For win-win ecosystem of consumers, brands, influencers and investors

Asset 9@4x

Consumer First Thinkers

To be paranoid about the challenges of the

Asset 7@4x

Designers of Inclusive Shopping

For a win-win ecosystem of consumers, brands, influencers and investors

How Do We Act

Stand up & Disagree but Commit fully

we built opinions thoughtfully and encourage everyone to participate in healthy and constructive debates. Once a decision is determined, we commit fully

Being resourceful

As an aspirational organisation with bold vision, we will always be short of ideal state of resources. Hence out of box thinking & apt prioritisation, helps in working elegantly towards obvious resource constraints.

More fast and Deliver Results

Speed is a big competitive edge and therefore we move with a sense of urgency to deliver results on time.

Question what's possible

Giving ownership of brands to community is a industry first concept. Such vision and products can only be build when you break existing mental models and create radically new ideas.


We celebrate our wins - generously and together.

100 % - 100%

Every team member is entirely responsible for the final outcome.We do what we say. On time, every time - 100%

Media articles

Who else is involved

How do we act

Stand up & Disagree but Commit fully

We improve through healthy and constructive debates but commit fully to the final decision


We undertake more responsibility and read to go the extra mile to meet our bold vision

Faster and Deliver

We believe speed gives us a competitive edge and thus we deliver results with urgency

Question what's possible

We are not limited to the current but break existing mental models to create radically new ideas


We believe in customers' wins as our wins and we celebrate our wins - generously and together


We commit to being responsible and giving 100% for the outcome - on time, every time